Admission Process



The process starts off by having you register with us. You complete a simple registration form that we will use to get you into our database. This is how we welcome you to our family of a large network of expert educational consultants waiting to help you.

Expert advice on Courses and Institutions

If you are uncertain about your career choices, there is no need to worry. We give prospective students advice about what careers to explore and which courses to take based on their talents, current qualifications and career ambitions. Our experts are pioneers in career guidance, to make sure that you make the right career choice. They also provide information on financial assistance and options that students can consider regarding the institutions that best fit their career choice.

Submit Application to Us

Once you have completed the application and we have all your information at hand, you simply submit to us, so we can then forward them to the institutions the student desires. We advise that students send us all the documents that are specified in the application form to make the process quicker for you.We will notify you as soon as we receive your application and give you feedback as soon as there is a response from the institution.

Conditional Offer

When we have evaluated the entire application submitted by the students and their information, we evaluate the academic performance and progress and offer professional guidance on the right school for the student. When the students satisfy the academic and financial conditions, we send the proof to the institutions they have been accepted into.

Confirmation of acceptance

This is where we notify the students that they have been accepted into the school and have a place set for them reserved by the educational institution. Our consultants will make sure that the students and parents know that they have been accepted as soon as we receive the confirmation of the acceptance.

Visa application

Upon acceptance into the institutions of choice, students are now eligible to apply for a visa and study permits. Our consultants assist students through the visa process, to ensure they have the best chance of securing a student's visa.

Upon completing this stage of the process, the students are ready to begin studying and we provide post application counselling and help them settle into their accommodation and school.

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