Customer Testimonials

Chinwe Ikpeama

'Your dedication and commitment towards making my dream come true is highly commendable am presently doing my master`s programme at Oxford Brookes University. Having never gone abroad international school consultants gave me the confidence and assurance on all the issues I had prior to leaving the country. You also made sure I was accompanied by my family and sorted our accommodation. Though I cannot thank you enough, I recommend International School Consultants for anyone seeking to study in the UK'.

Richard Nnaedozie

The consultants were very friendly. They gave me advice and prepared me for my college interview. I am very satisfied by the service that I was given and I am glad that I came into contact with international School Consultants.

Tersoo Unongo

International School Consultants supported me in finding the right school and helped me get a place in my first choice. Thank you to the very helpful and competent team at International School Consultants. "

I have been offered a place at bath academy to study a university foundation course.

Ezenwa Okoro

I am extremely happy with the service I received, the consultants are very friendly and make sure that all your questions are answered. I was particularly impressed by the speed of delivery from application to admission. Im excited about starting school now.

Macaulay Oghenekoro

I struggled to get admission with a UK institution until I came in contact with International School Consultants. I have received my confirmation of acceptance For studies (CAS),which I used to get my student visa. The consultation fee wasworth it.
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